sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009

taller 3: practica 7

Cambia las palabras subrayadas por las que están entre (paréntesis). Copia la frase completa y envia tus respuestas a tu instructor por correo electrónico como unit 3/Writing

1. I prefer a white sweater. (blue)
2. Give me a sweater. (T shirt)
3. How much is that blouse? (this )
4. It’s fifteen dollars and twenty five cents. ($28.35) (en letras)
5. How much are these socks? (those)
6. They are five dollars. (six dollars)
7. She is a doctor. (teacher)
8. They are engineers. (pilots )
9. It’s a blue one. (red)
10. They are white T- shirts (ones)

1. I prefer a blue sweater.
2. Give me a T shirt. (T shirt)
3. How much is this blouse? (this )
4. It’s $ twenty-eight thirty-five.
5. How much are those socks?
6. They are six dollars.
7. She is a teacher.
8. They are pilots.
9. It’s a red one.
10. They are white ones.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

taller 3: practica 6

Practice 6

Escribe lo que está escrito en símbolos fonéticos en forma tradicional. EXAMPLE: [blu: ] = blue
Escribe en el clipboard y graba tu trabajo en un documento de Word que enviarás a tu instructor por correo electónico como: Unit 3/Phonetics

Escribe lo que está escrito en símbolos fonéticos en forma tradicional. EXAMPLE: [blu: ] = blue
Escribe en el clipboard y graba tu trabajo en un documento de Word que enviarás a tu instructor por correo electónico como: Unit 3/Phonetics

1. [tu: ] = two2.
2. [yu: ] = you3.
3. [yu: tu:] = you too4.
4. [blu: ] = blue5.
5. [du: ] = do

tller 3: practica 4


Audio 2 Escucha el audio de Nuevo. Las partes que corresponden a ‘you’ están en blanco para que tu las rellenes (repitiendo lo que dijiste arriba). Cuando hayas practicado lo suficiente, graba tu parte y envíala por correo a tu instructor.

YOU: How much is that green sweater, please?

SALESPERSON: It’s $65.00 dollars.

YOU: Ups!!!!! That’s very expensive.

SALESPERSON: This sweater is only $15.

YOU: Yes, but it ‘s red. The sweater I want is for my sister and she does not like red. How much are those T-shirts?

SALESPERSON: Which T-shirts?

YOU: Those over there.

SALESPERSON: Oh, those! They’re two for $ 10. Do you like them?

YOU: Yea!!! They’re very nice! What size are they?

SALESPERSON: They are size ‘M’ and ‘L’.

YOU: O.K. Give me a pink one and a purple one.

SALESPERSON: Which size?

YOU: ‘S’, please

SALESPERSON: That’s $10.00 total plus sales tax.

YOU: How much is the tax?

SALESPERSON: It’s six cents per dollar.

YOU: O.K. here’s a $10 bill and some coins. Can you get the tax from them?

SALESPERSON: Of course I can. Here’s your change: two quarters and seven pennies…

YOU: taller3:Cool!!! Thanks!

tller 3: practica 3

Practice 3

Convierte los valores indicados en números en letra. Envía tu documento por e-mail a tu instructor

Example: $1.25 = one dollar twenty-five cents

1. $2.50 two dollar fifty cents
2. $3.75 three dollar seventy-five cents
3. $4. 87 four dollar eighty-seven cents
4. $25. 36 twenty-five dollar thirty-six cents
5. $0. 15 zero dollar fifteen cents

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

taller 2: practica 2

i. Completa las palabras con la nacionalidad de las personas. Donde te aparezca el espacio ____ usa la forma del verbo “to be” que corresponda:Por. ejem. Colombia C_ _ _ _ _ (Colombian)

1. Maria is from Venezuela. She is --- Venezuela ---
2. Catalina is from Italy. She is -- Italy_ _ _ _ _ _
3. Paco is from Bolivia . He is --Bolivia _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Raul is from Mexico. He is -- Mexico _ _ _ _ _ _
5. Xu Chi is from Mongolia. She is --Monogolia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. Bettina is from Africa. She is -- Aafrica _ _ _ _ _ _
7. Shao Li is from Asia. He is Asia_ _ _ _
8. Karnell is from India. He is _ --Iindia _ _ _ _

ii. Tu turno (Your turn)

Llena los espación con información sobre tu persona.

1. My name is maria
2. I come from venezuela
3. I am a teacher (profesion )
4. For me English is difficult (easy/difficult)

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

taller 2: practica 1

Practice 1

function OpenWin(filename){
window.open(filename,"AutoText", "width=650,height=400,resizable=1,left=0,top=0,scrollbars=no");

Las siguientes palabras aparecen en las expresiones subrayadas en el Diálogo anterior. Puedes leer el diálogo haciendo click en el “red book” (libro rojo) que aparece arriba. Selecciona la frase que tiene el mismo significado que estas palabras:

1. Room-mate
She and I have the same room. She drinks her coffee with coffee-mate.

2. Also
Are you from Jamaica too? She is not from Jamaica.

3. To be exact
To say something that is incorrect.To give correct information.

4. Tired
Someone who feels fatigue.Someone who does not feel fatigue.

5. Always
All the timeNever

practica 7

Imprime este diálogo. Completa las frases donde dice you. Graba el audio y envíalo a tu instructor por correo electrónico. Buena suerte!

You: Hi, my name is julian
María: I’m MariaYou: Where are you from ?
María: I’m from Venezuela. And you?
You: I’m from colombia .
María: Glad to meet you, julian.You: nice to weet you., too, Maria.

practica 6

Escribe el diálogo completo y mándalo a tu instructor. Llena los espacios con la(s) palabra(s) más apropiadas.
Graba tu diálogo como un documento de Word y envíalo a tu instructor por correo electrónico. Llama a tu documento: Unit 1/Writing.
Escribe “Unit 1/Writing”en el subject box de tu correo electónico.
Jack se presenta a María.

JACK: Hi, my name is Jack what your name?
MARIA: I’m Maria
JACK: where are you from. JACK ?
MARIA: I’m from Venezuela. where are you from?
JACK: I’m from Canada.
MARIA: Glad to meet you, Jack.
JACK: nice to weet you , too, Maria.

pratica 5

Practice 5a

Pon las siguientes frases en forma negativa del verbo ‘to be’ No uses la forma abreviada.

1) I am a professor. I am not a professor.

2) They are taxi drivers. They are not taxi drivers.

3) Kathy is a nurse . Kathy is not a nurse .

4) Jack is a mechanic. Jack is not a mechanic.

5) Irene and Janet are cooks. Irene and Janet are not cooks

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

taller 1: practica 4

practica 4

Pon las siguientes frases en forma negativa del verbo ‘to be’
No uses la forma abreviada.

1) I am a professor.
I am not a professor.

2) They are taxi drivers.
They are not taxi drivers.

3) Kathy is a nurse .
Kathy is not a nurse .

4) Jack is a mechanic.
Jack is not a mechanic.

5) Irene and Janet are cooks.
Irene and Janet are not cooks.

taller 1.

Practice 2

Seleccione ‘a’ o ‘an’ en la siguiente lista de profesiones:

1. a doctor 2. a pilot

3. an artist 4. a mechanic

5. a cook 6. an astronaut

7. a tennis player 8. an acrobat

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

taller ingles .: unidad 1

ADOLFO: Hello Mrs. Abbot. My name ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ is adolfo .
Mrs. ABBOTT: Hello, Adolfo. ­­­­­­­­­­­ Where ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­are you from ?.
ADOLFO: I’m from mexico . How about you, Mrs. Abbott?
Mrs. ABBOTT: you from New York.

Ahora para terminar el diálogo vamos a variar el vocabulario para hacerlo más formal. Vamos a usar: “I’m glad to meet you” en lugar de “It’s nice to meet you”:

ADOLFO: I’m ­ nice to weet you , Mrs. Abbott.
Mrs. ABBOTT: I´m nice to weet you too, Adolfo.
Welcome to our School.
ADOLFO: Thank you, Mrs. Abbott.